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GNZ Newsletter

August 2020

From the president

Welcome to the August GNZ newsletter.

Here we are in the depths of winter but as always there is lots going on.

As well as the regular flying and training, clubs are also getting stuck into doing maintenance and working bees, running training syllabus theory lectures, holding landing comps, mid winter dinners, annual meetings and prize givings.

Many are making the most of the winter scenery that can be spectacular at this time of year. If you are going up to check it out, just make sure you are wrapped up nice and warm!

Spring is also now just around the corner and the events calendar is looking jammed packed!

So much to look forward to, so little time. Start your planning now.

GNZ events link.

See you up there.

Steve Wallace

GNZ President



First solo!


Winner of the Stu Cain Cup (Canterbury competition fun day)


Winner of the Air NZ Soaring Award (South Island)

Alex Boyes compares gliding to business

Out-Landing Training

The Toi Toi Fence

Want try something uniquely New Zealand. How about setting up a Toi Toi paddock on your airfield. You can have a near fence, a far fence and even side fences if you want to get really carried away.

Toi Toi's are a great way to mark out a 'simulated' paddock. You can then have a fun club spot land competition or you can practice and perfect your out-landing technique during some of those dull winter days.

GNZ Glider Flight Training Programme goes online!

Welcome to the future

We are now only one month in but I'm pleased to report that most clubs have now had there first look at the online program and have been discussing implementation strategies at their club instructor panel meetings. Don't forget the FAQ's section on the website is a good place to start and is being added to as new common questions arise.


As pilots spot mistakes, opportunities for improvement or areas of concern, these are either being dealt with by the Ops Team as they come in or are being held over in anticipation of the appointment of a Change Request Review Panel. The ability for constant improvement is one of the key features of the new system.

The training programme is a controlled document so any suggestions for improvement must be made in accordance with AC 2-01 (4a and b). At the moment this is just being done via email but a change request form and flow charted process is on its way.

Don't forget, this is not just for instructors. When 15 year old solo glider pilot Henry Hope-Cross spotted an area of concern he constructively worked with his Regional Operations Officer, David Hirst to achieve a compromise solution that he was happy with and the Ops Team were happy to sign off as a minor AC 2-01 4a change. Change Request number C023 is now logged in the Moodle Change Log with Henry's initials referenced as a permanent reminder of his contribution.

Well done Henry!

Have you booked yet?

To help roll out this new online system in your club, answer the many questions that both instructors and students no doubt have and to understand how this fits with the 'great day at the gliding club' work that Brian Sharpe and his team from the Membership Development Committee have been doing 'Roll Out' presentations are being made available for all clubs.

Supporting material is being given out (see pic below) for use by those students that are transitioning to the new programme.

A bit of coordination is needed (the team can't be everywhere at once) but if you would like to book one of these presentations please contact Brian Sharpe via email.

[email protected]

GNZ Data Base Upgrades

From the IT Department

Our old data base is in the process of being moved and merged into a new data base that will be more user friendly and accessible to not only club administrators but all members with different levels of access depending on what you are allowed or are not allowed to edit. Clubs will also be able to manage the likes of BFR's, medicals and much more.

South Island Regionals

14th - 21st November 2020

Good News from the Omarama Gliding Club

Post COVID the Omarama Gliding Club was uncertain regards what the demand maybe for the South Island Regionals, so you may recall last month registrations of interest were called for. I'm pleased to report that 25 pilots have advised they are keen to attend, so the SI Regionals are definitely going ahead. Coaching and youth incentives will be provided.

Springfield looking lovely

Attention Youth!

Youth Glide New Zealand (YGNZ), alongside the Greytown Soaring Centre, is excited to be hosting the The George Rogers Memorial – Greytown Mini Camp 2020 during the Labour weekend holiday at Papawai Airstrip.

For more info on visit:

Stunning Nelson Lakes winter flying

Lost items are potential hazards!

A clubs Personal Locator Beacon (PLB) that had been noted as missing for some time was found behind the rear seat, adjacent to the elevator push rod. This from the clubs newsletter.

Don't get caught IMC

With a picture being worth 1,000 words check out the pic below to help you understand why getting caught IMC in cloud, without cloud flying instruments, is a bad idea!

Incident Reports

From the desk of the NOO (National Operations Officer)

So why is publishing incident reports useful?

Firstly it shows pilots that stuff happens, and may prompt alertness in similar situations, secondly it shows submitters that we do see benefit in doing something other than filing reports away for (later) analysis.  

Incident Reports reveal where we are bumping into the edge of the safe operating envelope.  This can be due to a weakness in the training program, lack of currency, not paying enough attention, inadequate preparation . . . . or just simply drifting away from good practice.

Review of Incident Reports for March - July 2020

- ASI sticking and reading too high, leading to two heavy landings where actual speed too low - pilot sent on first solo flight prior to submission of medical declaration, subsequently passed - cramped circuit on an instructional flight - landing in strong winds - turned at very low level - airspace incursion during wave flight, pilot not current and poorly prepared for the flight - double fatality during a trial flight, impacted hillside at speed - TAIC is investigating

- in-flight structural failure of wing skin due to over-stress, controlled landing, pilot unhurt

Don't forget a link to the GNZ incident reporting form (OPS 10) can now be found in the very top menu bar on the GNZ homepage, just to the right of the 'Classified Adverts'. You can now fill this form out on your phone at the airfield so no excuses.

OPS 10 link:

Thanks for reading

All contributions, pics, videos and opinions welcome

EMAIL: [email protected]