GNZ Newsletter December 2023

From the president

Welcome to the December 2023 GNZ newsletter.
Hello summer!
It's finally here.
What we have waited, planned and schemed all winter for.
The soaring season though has really been underway for a while now.
Spring was good.
So many great cross country flights.
So much club, camp and competition fun already done.
New toys to enjoy have arrived for some.
Gliding adventure awaits for all.
The calendar is full.
Your time is now.
Steve Wallace
GNZ President
First Solo at age 15 years. Well done Tom!

500km Diamind Distance which completes 3 Diamonds, badge #136

Silver badge awarded. It's only taken 50 something years. Well done Ross!
I suspect the gap to the Gold and Diamond badges will have to be somewhat shorter!

A new toy for summer. One of a few brand new AS-33's to call NZ home. Happy Xmas Derek!

Winner of the Northern Regionals Open Class (in Dereek's former glider - DK becomes TD)

Well done Mike. Winner of the Club Class, NSW State Gliding Championships. Perfect warm up for the World's.

Awarded the Royal Aeronautical Society, NZ Division Duncan Campbell Award for Excellence in Aviation Journalism.

Nigel Davy (left) presents GNZ's Friendship Cup to Gavin Wrigley at Omarama.

Summer Training Sessions
by William Keedwell
Papawai and Omarama
Dear Gliding Enthusiasts across New Zealand,
With summer on the horizon, we are excited to extend a special invitation to all gliding club members across New Zealand for our upcoming summer training sessions. Papawai and Omarama are not just about gliding; it's about embracing the sport, refining skills, and building a community that thrives on the thrill of soaring.
Why Choose A Summer Training course?
Consolidated Training: Experience shows that immersive, week-long sessions offer a deeper learning curve compared to occasional flights.
Expertly Tailored Programs: Our courses are designed to cater to diverse needs, ensuring focused attention with a 2:1 student-instructor ratio.
Past Success: Many of our previous attendees are now meticulously planning their paddock landings for this summer. This could be you next year!
Time off work: schedule your time off work months in advance ensuring you fully immerse yourself in the training without any work-related distractions.
Weather Independent Learning: irrespective of the weather. On days when flying conditions aren't optimal, we ensure the learning doesn't stop. You can engage in insightful lectures from our seasoned instructors.
Papawai and Omarama: Diverse Training Opportunities:
Both Papawai and Omarama offer Intensive Training courses tailored to individual needs, accommodating a diverse mix of students with varying goals in the same courses for a personalized learning experience.
Omarama, in addition to the Intensive Training courses, also provides a Mountain Soaring Week and an Introduction to Alpine Flying Course.
Upcoming Summer Training Sessions at Papawai
January 2024:
2x Intensive Training Weeks: Mon 8th – Fri 12th and Mon 29th – Fri 2nd
February 2024:
Intensive Training Week: Mon 26th – Fri 1st
March 2024:
2x Intensive Training Weeks: Mon 11th – Fri 15th and Mon 25th – Fri 29th
Upcoming Summer Training Sessions at Omarama
December 2023:
2x Intensive Training Weeks: 4th – 8th and 18th – 22nd
January 2024:Intro to Alpine Flying Course: 22nd – 26th.
February 2024:
Intensive Training week: 12th – 16th
Intro to Alpine Flying: 19th – 23rd
March 2024:
Intensive Training week: 4th – 8th
2x Intro to Soaring: 18th-19th, 21st – 22nd
April 2024:
Intensive Training week: 1st – 5th.
We urge all gliding enthusiasts, whether beginners or seasoned professionals, to consider joining us. With limited spots available per session, we recommend booking your slot at the earliest. This is a golden opportunity to network with fellow gliders, learn from the best, and make the most of the summer skies.
Book at Papawai with this Link
Inquiries To Omarama [email protected]
To all our fellow gliders across New Zealand: Let's come together, share experiences, and make this summer a memorable one. We're eager to welcome you to Papawai and Omarama!
New Zealand Gliding Records
In the last couple of months, your Awards Officer has worked on reviewing the current, and past, GNZ Records. Edouard did a great job in the past, so there was not much to do, other than some minor reclassification work, due to fairly recent changes in the FAI Sporting Code.
You probably have something better to do than querying a digitalised list of records, but just in case, here is the link
You can now also find it by navigating to it from the GNZ website or just by googling “GNZ Records”

You will see a (supposedly) self explanatory three-column page, pointing you to:
- 1.A mobile-friendly list of current NZ records.
- 2.A more comprehensive web-based spreadsheet, containing all the current NZ records grouped by category, plus all the past NZ records, back to the ‘50s.
- 3.A link to the FAI world records page, just in case…
Interesting factoid: several records, in several categories, are just up for grabs.
Meaning, they have not been officially recorded, EVER (in New Zealand).
This is especially true for the “Female” category, and for the D13, and DU subsclasses.
A reason certainly is that we don’t have many D13 and DU machines in New Zealand, although, don’t forget that the PW5 is in the D13 subclass.
So don’t be shy!.
Have a look at the web-based spreadsheet, pick one that’s up for grabs, wear your favourite pair of fibreglass wings, and go get it!
And when you have it, claim it using the regular FAI record forms linked in the Section 3 document.
Bruno Tagliapietra
GNZ Awards Officer
Up Coming Events
For a summary of up coming events go to:
The ads are now flowing in. If you are travelling from another island please click the pic below for a 10% ferry discount.

South Island Regionals Competition: Tue 2nd Jan – Tue 9th Jan 2024

Drury Enterprise Contest

Multi-Class Nationals - Taupo
19-28 January 2024
Who will be the best of the best.
Entries now open for the Open and Racing Classes
Come test your skills side by side with NZ's best glider pilots in one of NZ's most awesome gliding locations. Great company, great food, great flying, great fun!

Club Class Nationals - Papawai
07-15 February 2024
Attention all aspiring Club Class pilots. Don’t forget to register now for the Club Class Nationals being held at Papawai Airstrip in Greytown next 07-15 February followed by the Central Districts at Waipukurau 2 days later.
Two competitions in two locations in two weeks….twice the fun.
If you are intending to come and fly the friendly Wairarapa skies we need you to enter so we can plan an awesome event as we did during the 2022 Central Districts. Entries are now open at:
Club Class Nationals - Papawai
We will be putting a limit on the number of entries so we can run a really good and safe contest so get in now and register!
All launching will be by aerotow.
Camping is available onsite if bringing a tent or campervan. We have modern shower & toilet facilities
Greytown is full of wonderful Air BnB’s and two excellent motels but you need to book now as there are a number of summer events on in the Wairarapa in February.
For more information contact Cheye 027445228 or Grae 0274429337

How to set up guide by Tim Bromhead
Setting up FLARM Quick Guide
This guide can be found on the GNZ website at
With a lot of people buying/selling gliders and equipment for summer, it’s good to check your FLARM is up to date, and configured correctly. While a bit complicated to set up initially, it only needs to be done once.
All FLARM units have to be updated annually. For devices with an SD card, downloading the correct update, put it on the SD card, insert back into the device and turn it on and wait. The update should happen automatically over a few minutes. PowerFLARM and FLARM have different update files, so make sure you have the right one for your device or see your device’s manufacturer website for instructions and updates e.g. LX Nav.
And update your glider’s logbook or DI book as required.
FLARM devices broadcast a 6 digit hexadecimal number e.g. 75BD3F. This is configured on the CONFIG.TXT file on the SD card. This should be changed to match your ADSB hex code as designated in the CAA database:
If they match, tracking systems and other aircraft will know both FLARM and ADSB devices are the same aircraft, and you won’t show up as two separate aircraft. If you have ADSB-IN on your FLARM, you also won’t be alerted that you’re about to collide with yourself!
Once your FLARM is up to date and configured correctly, there are 2 databases that need to be configured to match your FLARM hex code to your aircraft registration.
- 1.Open Glider Network (OGN). For tracking sites like the GNZ tracker & PureTrack.
- 2.
- 3.Flarmnet. For devices like Oudie & LX9000.
- 4.
- 5.These both need to be updated anytime you change your hex code in your FLARM, or move it to another aircraft. Both PureTrack and the GNZ tracking site will import from the OGN database regularly.
Oudie N and SeeYou Navigator
These both now broadcast as an FLARM target and broadcast their own random hex code if you have the OGN layer turned on. You can see hex code your broadcast as under Menu -> Settings -> Other -> About -> OGN address.
This can be added to the GNZ tracking aircraft database separately from your main FLARM ID:
which will stop them showing up as a separate random aircraft on the GNZ tracking site.
Unknown Aircraft
Wondering what the weird aircraft on the GNZ tracker are with the * in front of their 2 letters? They are the last 2 digits of a hex code that is not yet linked to an aircraft. Click on it to see what the full 6 digits are. There are several reasons these can show up:
- a.You have not yet configured your FLARM correctly in the OGN database.
- b.You have SeeYou Navigator or an Oudie N that hasn’t been configured in the GNZ aircraft database.
- c.You have competition mode on your FLARM, and it changes hex code every few minutes! Turn this off we recommend for tracking purposes. See the pic below for an example of the mess it makes.
- d.It’s some other random spurious data from the OGN network that isn’t actually an aircraft.
FLARM Antennas & Installation
If you have poor FLARM performance, do check your antenna installation. This PDF guide explains all:
And talk to your glider engineer to make any changes at your next annuals if it’s not correct.
Happy Flying!
From around the clubs
Look who's back. Georgia's back at the Auckland Gliding Club.
Around the world sailing adventures done. Sky bound summer adventures begun.

Look who made a flying visit to the Canterbury Gliding Club. International gliding social media super star Stefan Langer warming up for the World Champs.

Happy days at the Tauranga gliding club!

Aviation Sport's Lionel Page introduces the local Air Scouts to gliding.

Lovely landings in the Hawkes Bay

Early season Paeroa paddock landing for Peter Wooley

Grae Harrison's brand new AS-33. Grae must have been very good this year for Santa to deliver this lovely glider in time for Xmas.

Max Stevens snaps a pic of the wave in the Dobson on the way back from Mt Cook

Maitland Valley from FL180 by Nigel Davy

Milan from Kahu Soaring, just another great shot.

John McCaw flying from Hamner at the Canterbury Club's recent away camp

Airspace Files
New Airspace Files now online
These can now be downloaded and then uploaded to you devices from the link below.
This airspace file includes all temporary contest areas, as area F, which can be disabled if not required. Note, lots of changes, in particular in the Napier area.
Don't get pinged, do the right thing, make sure you are flying with up to date airspace.
Membership Display Panel
Good news. The membership vario is back to making those sweet climbing sounds. We do however have a long climb ahead of us to get back to where we started with the net gain for the year at -50! We are into the summer months now and the holiday season is a great time to be attracting new members to the club. So the challenge to you is to bring a friend, introduce them to what we do and help keep that new member vario singing all summer long.

37th FAI World Gliding Championships
Narromine NSW Australia

The flying action starts this Sunday, 3rd December
Go to this website here for links to the "LIVE" Tracking, Facebook, Instagram and YouTube pages.
Soaring Spot will have all the results and much more;
To follow the adventures of our pilot Michael Strathern, competing for NZ in the Club Class and to drop him messages of support you can follow him on his Facebook Page.

Go well Mike! All of NZ wishes you all the best!
GNZ Umbrella Trust
A request to bequest
The GNZ Umbrella Trust has been particularly busy recently with loans for the purchase of new aircraft for the Omarama Gliding Club, the Canterbury Gliding Club, Piako Gliding Club and the Auckland Gliding Club as well as providing grants to Michael Strathern to support his attendance at the World Gliding Champ's and grants to a number of other pilots and courses that result in progression in gliding and the achievement of goals. A summary of recent grants can be found here.
The trust is able to do this due to the generous capital base received from individuals and organisations over the years. These can be viewed here.
The trust would however love to be able to better support even more clubs and pilots and to do this we need to keep growing the capital base as it is the returns from the base that provides the money for grants.
The Umbrella Trust therefore humbly asks that if you have a desire to leave an on-going legacy, in your name or anonymously, that you consider a bequest in your will to the Umbrella Trust.
For a confidential discussion you may contact the trustees via the trust secretary, Jan Rae.

Parachute Repacking
Is your PT current and qualified?
A letter to take note of from the CAA

Emergency parachute assembly
Under rule 91.707(3), the pilot-in-command of an aircraft must not allow a parachute assembly that is available for emergency use to be carried unless the parachute assembly has been maintained in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions and packed within the preceding calendar year by –
(i) the holder of a parachute technician rating issued by a parachute organisation; or (ii) the parachute manufacturer; or (iii) a New Zealand Defence Force parachute technician; or (iv) a person otherwise approved by the Director.
CAA recently investigated an occurrence where a glider pilot had purchased a second-hand glider in New Zealand, which came with an emergency parachute. The parachute harness required a chest strap replacement and needed to be repacked, so was sent to a qualified parachute technician (PT). When the PT inspected the rig, it was found to be well past its 20- year service life, by about 20 years, despite the packing card showing it had been inspected annually since the expiry date.
It was also discovered that the person carrying out the inspections did not hold a current PT rating issued by either of the Part 149 parachute organisations but was using one issued long before Part 149 came into effect. This meant that the packer had also not been undergoing the biennial PT proficiency test or being kept up to date with latest service bulletins and/or airworthiness directives from parachute manufacturers.
One of the major areas of concern is that this person had been packing on average 30 parachutes per year for other glider pilots, who may have been unaware of their obligations to check that the person packing their emergency parachutes is suitably qualified. Because CAA does not hold any records on emergency parachutes, we are unable to ascertain if this is a one-off occurrence or a nationwide issue. We are also going to reach out to other sectors, such as aerobatic and warbird pilots, where emergency parachutes are often carried.
Because many of your members take an emergency parachute when flying, I am requesting that GNZ reminds them of the necessity to check that the PT repacking their emergency parachute assembly holds a valid parachute technician certificate. This could be done by asking the PT to show their current certificate, or by contacting either the New Zealand Parachute Industry Association or the New Zealand Parachute Organisation.
As I said above, CAA isn’t able to determine if this is a significant safety issue. To help evaluate this, please advise us of any feedback you receive from your members
Thanking you in anticipation, ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________
If any GNZ members come across parachute repackers that do not have a valid certification please email
so we can advise the CAA and help them understand if we have an issue in NZ.
Incident Reports
We're out of sequence for publishing any incident reports for this month.
You can access all back copies of the Ops Team Talking newsletters.
These have been placed on the Gliding NZ web site under News > Safety Bulletins A link to the GNZ incident reporting form (OPS 10) can be found in the very top menu bar on the GNZ homepage, just to the right of the 'Classified Adverts'. You can now fill this form out on your phone at the airfield so no excuses.

OPS 10 link:
In the case of an accident, asap please phone: 0508 ACCIDENT (0508 222 433)
GNZ Classifieds
With so many new gliders arriving in the country there must be some very nice models coming onto the market so keep an eye on the classifieds if you're in the market.
Discus B - 999hrs, Maughmer winglets, LXNAV S80 vario...