GNZ Newsletter February 2025

From the president

Welcome to the February 2025 GNZ newsletter.
Wasn't January wonderful.
So much was achieved, by some many pilots.
Camps, Comps, Clubs, all doing their thing.
Cranking up that air time.
Counting off those cross country kilometres.
Logging those land outs.
Racking up the retrieves.
And summer is not yet done.
Many more blue ducks to won.
Some of the best weather may yet be still to come.
Further, faster, higher.
It is our why.
Steve Wallace
GNZ President
First solo just a few days short of her 14th birthday.

Another YSDC solo. Well done Joel and his instructor John McCallister.

XCP complete. Nice photo Brian!

Winner of the Open Class, New Zealand MultiClass Nationals. Dane on the left.

Winners of the unhandicapped Open Class, New Zealand MultiClass Nationals. Karen not in the photo.

Winners of the Racing Class, New Zealand MultiClass Nationals.

Winner of the Club Class Nationals (Mark on the left)

Winner of the MSC Contest
(held at Taupo in conjunction with the Club Class Nats).

FAI 750km Diploma flown out of Tocumwal in Australia.
Mike also beat the Aussies in a contest called Skyrace to become their 2025 formula 2 champion.

NZ Multiclass Nationals Video
Filmed and edited by Andreas Litzba who helped on the grid all week. Thanks Andreas!
The Blue Duck
(everybody wants one)
Coaching pilots to fly cross country
This is an incredibly successful initiative set up by Phil Plane of the Omarama Gliding Club to get new pilots competing with each other and flying cross country out of Omarama. Over the years various club tasking initiatives, some even using custom software have been set up at various clubs around the country with varying success. Whio Glide (The Whio is our native NZ blue duck) is different and proving highly successful. The difference is the daily tasking and coaching. Rather than 'here are the club tasks, go do one', tasks are set on the day with the conditions of the day and the pilots in mind. Daily briefings and coaching make the difference and the competition between competing rival pilots is spirited and intense to see who was fastest around the task for the day.
Phils description: Designed to introduce pilots to contest flying in the Omarama area. Tasks are designed to be safe and fun. The tasks will be set so that they can be flown within easy glide of well-known airstrips. This allows new or visiting pilots to easily learn around ten land out airstrips to cover the whole contest area. The task will be set each suitable thermal day before 9am.
Here is a link to Whio glide:
When a competitor completes their first Whio Glide task they are given a blue rubber duck.
Rod Stuart: "I managed to complete a 100km task on 5th Jan and was so proud to receive my blue duck."

Charlie receives her first Blue Duck for a 100km task.

Felix receives his Blue Duck.

Phil Plane - mastermind behind Whio Glide

Up Coming Events
Upcoming Events
2025 Central Districts Gliding Championships
15th February 2025 to Saturday 22nd February 2025 inclusive
Thanks to those who have already entered with entries open on-line on the GNZ website at
Practice day Saturday is 15/02/2025 with seven scheduled competition days from Sunday 16/02/2025 Saturday to 22/02/2025 inclusive.
The standard entry fee is $295. For entries and payment received on or before 31 January 2025, an early bird fee of $260 applies. Payments are to be made to Gliding Hawke’s Bay & Waipukurau, ANZ Bank, Account: 06-0701-0649726-00 (note this has changed from last year.)
Tow costs will be based on actual costs incurred.
Camping is available on the airfield as in previous years.
Evening meals will be scheduled for some days with details advised at briefings during the contest.
Volunteers to help are most welcome.
To ensure sufficient towplanes are available, early entries would be appreciated.

MSC Grand Prix
Matamata, 1st March to 9th March 2025

The Matamata Soaring Centre invites you to register.
You can see more information and register on
Grand Prix glider racing is both different and fun. If you have not experienced Grand Prix racing before now is your chance. Sell the house, sell the kids, do whatever it takes to get to this must attend event. You will not regret flying a Grand Prix.

From around the clubs
Julian from Kaikohe runs a lovely convergence out towards Whangarei Heads

Alex from Whenuapai lands on the beach at Port Waikato

Pat Driessen from the Auckland Gliding Club knocks out a sweet 640km triangle in 7 hrs.

Cool video of Coromandel convergence flying during the Akl Enterprise contest.
Interesting landout location for Auckland's Duo.

Trace Austin lands out at Goudies during the Club Class Nationals from Taupo.

Amy Smith lands out on a flight from Omarama

Dane Dickenson. Too cool for school, tows his glider out.

John Smith. Doing his bit to help make gliding great again.

Kelvyn Flavall snaps an early rainbow circle pic on a 1,000km day out of Omarama

Another nice pic from the deep South.

Keith Essex and Tim Bromhead explore Fiordland

Adventures with GUS from the Wellington Wairarapa Club

2025 Youth Soaring Development Camp Report
The 2025 YSDC was notably smaller than previous years with about ten students at any one time. A number of our older youth have left high school in the previous 12 months to start out on their careers with more than a couple moving into the aviation field. We have two from last year's camp who have successfully joined the RNZAF, another who is already a C Cat gliding instructor is through his first year of training to become a LAME and another has recently gained a CPL-A.
The upsides of these changes are we were able to welcome a number of new team members this year with the resulting very successful camp. There were two first solos and a couple of other notable achievements and 179 uneventful winch launches. Our congratulations go out to Joel Winter and Hannariina Laukkanen on their first solos, a great result for you both on your respective aviation journeys.
Two more successes were Aaron Clapham gaining his winch driver rating and Bradan Foster with his full LPC sign off, both 17 years old. Well done lads! I would urge others to do similar, the future of gliding in NZ depends on it.
The ever present Easterly wind unfortunately made soaring flights off the winch a challenge for our aspirant soaring pilots. There were a handful of longer flights on the Buscot Ridge, when the easterly hit 20 plus kts on a couple of the days.
But overall, great progress was made by all who attended and I think it will not be too long before we see a few more solos and maybe even a few more C cats in the coming years.
As always, a massive thanks to Roger Read as camp CFI and the instructing team of Graham Erikson, John McCallister, Doug Hamilton, Kieran Cassidy, Sondre Langvik-Owen, Wes McIver and the newly minted Captain Clapham (Craig).
We were also well supported by our winch driving team of which 3 are Youth Glide members led by the ever supportive Phil Plane; a big thanks to him and the team of Amy Smith, Felix Harper, Aaron Clapham and Peter Turvey. It is worth noting that despite some gusty conditions on a number of days, we had no broken weaklinks.
Lastly but probably the most important keeping us all fed was the unstoppable Kim Read and Wendy Foster with Erika Lovell-Colby who drove up from Queenstown twice making sure there was a consistent supply of all things edible; thank you all so very much. These camps are only possible through the support and commitment of these non flying volunteers.
The camp finished in the usual way with a well attended dinner in the Omarama airfield terminal on the Saturday night with plenty of tasty food and a few words and acknowledgements of achievements.
To end, I would like to express on behalf of the whole YG family our deep and ongoing appreciation to the Read and Tarbotton Families for their farsightedness in bringing the Skylaunch winch to Omarama. Without this awesome bit of kit these camps would not be viable.
So what’s next?... Waitangi weekend of course.
Happy flying
Andrew Colby
Camp Director
Membership Display Panel
It's peak summer and also peak new members. It seems come holiday time a lot of people decide they want to learn to fly. So new joins for the month of January are almost off the scale (opposite to our winter problem) with 30 new members and only 1 resignation, meaning a net gain of 29. Add this to last months net of 21 and we are up 50 new members for the dials which are now aligned to the membership year. If we can keep gaining over these next few months we will be in a good place to hopefully stay ahead over the inevitable winter decline and membership renewal period. Love the sound of a peaking vario!

Is your club staying active on Facebook?
This from the Auckland Club
If you are not currently following the clubs facebook page please do follow it (and add comments to posts). There is some good content there and if you can share the posts to your feed, it is a great way to introduce gliding to your friends. The latest post shows some great convergence flying along the Coromandel Also, we are always looking for more content so if you have some great pictures , videos, or suggestions for posts please send to [email protected]

You can help improve aircraft tracking in NZ
New ADSB Receiver Project to improve aircraft tracking in New Zealand
A new project has been started to improve ADSB coverage around the country. ADSB has long range tracking, providing another layer to help find you if you go missing. And of course it helps with situational awareness with more pilots using ADSB-In or mobile apps in the cockpit. Data from our receivers goes through which then forwards gliders to the GNZ tracker.
We already have a number of receivers at various airfields, setup by both individuals and clubs, with more coming online soon. AOPA (Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association) are also installing remote stations around the country, and we're working with them to ensure they feed into the GNZ systems and vice versa. So our stations will also help tracking coverage for all aircraft, not just gliders.
What you can do to help:- If you have the technical skills, set up and host a receiver, either at your club or home. A full list of recommended equipment and software is available from the project page.- Host a receiver. It involves putting a small Raspberry Pi computer in your house with a power point and ethernet or wifi, and stick an antenna on the roof. Get in touch, we can get a station configured and ready to install.- Donate a station. Get in touch, I can buy equipment on your behalf and send to a willing host for your station.
And don't forget to fly with your transponder on if you want the added safety of tracking, TCAS and situational awareness for power pilots.
More information and links: contact Tim Bromhead [email protected]

Youngest Official Observer

Congratulations to Felix Harper for his graduation as an Official Observer, making him the youngest OO in New Zealand.
We’re excited to share that Felix Harper has become the youngest certified observer in New Zealand!
Felix’s hard work and enthusiasm for gliding have earned him this non-flying milestone, to be added to the several ones I don’t know about that probably happened, and will happen for him, this season.
Official Observers play an important role in gliding competitions and record-setting flights, making sure all flight details are properly verified. Felix’s certification shows his dedication and attention to detail, and it’s great to see someone so young stepping up to contribute to this aspect of the sport.
Congratulations, Felix—we’re looking forward to seeing what’s next for you!
Good flights to all,
Bruno Tagliapietra
GNZ Awards Officer

Julian Stevens, declared 503km
On the 15th January 2025, Julian Stevens flying his DG-505MB achieved a 503km declared flight in the far North. Taking off from his home field of Kaikohe, Julian flew north to a turn point at Cape Reinga at the very tip of NZ, then south to a turn point at Mangawhai (holiday destination for Aucklanders) before returning to Kaikohe, 7 hours later. Like all good flights, he even had a low save overhead a paddock on his own farm just north east of Kaitaia. A truly epic flight for the far north. Well done Julian!
Unfortunately, Julian can't claim his Diamond Goal and Distance for this flight as there are no Official Observers at the Kaikohe club. If however some Kaikohe members were to hurry and sit the exam, this flight just might be able to be claimed. All it takes is an email to Bruno. Just saying...

Julian rigging his glider.

Safe Speed Near Ground
Safe Speed Near the Ground
Did you know that approx. 60% of all fatal gliding accidents in New Zealand have been attributed to the glider being too low and too slow, resulting in a stall, spin or uncontrolled collision with the ground. Now is always a good time to review the training programme notes on SSNG.

Incident Reports
Incidents for the period December to January
- rudder jammed while deflected to left, two hours into flight, pilot made a side-slipped landing
- pilot pulled on canopy release knob while adjusting air vent, held canopy in place with knees
- airspace breach on wave flight, pilot didn't know the local lower limit of controlled airspace
- tug commenced a take-off with mowing tractor on lower end of runway
- airspace breach during contest, pilot did not distinguish between spurious and genuine warnings
- airspace breach due to loss of situational awareness, not helped by nav instrument malfunction
- airspace breach on aerotow launch - pilot admitted to being distracted and not 'on task'
- near miss between tug climbing with glider on tow - and another glider with sustainer running
- radio calls made using wrong frequency - pilot failed to switch frequency upon entering MBZ
- dual watch radio - pilot transmitted landing intentions on wrong frequency
- dual cross-country tow - uncommanded release of both ropes at tug end during climb-out
- instructional flight - near miss with another glider while on long final approach to land
- visiting instructor - omitted to sign DI book after completing a daily inspection of glider
- access door on tow plane opened during flight - attributed to incomplete closure of catch
- air brakes came open on aerotow - pilot closed them after receiving a radio call from ground
- take-off abandoned - directional control felt sloppy - attributed to cross wind and water ballast
- tow pilot released rope at 1500 feet after losing sight of the glider for the second time
- wheel-up landing - pilot tried to seek lift while very low, was overloaded when forced to land
- instructor found to have acted as P1 over several months without the appropriate medical
You can access all back copies of the Ops Team Talking newsletters.
These have been placed on the Gliding NZ web site under News > Safety Bulletins A link to the GNZ accident & incident reporting form (OPS 10) can be found in the very top menu bar on the GNZ homepage, just to the right of the 'Classified Adverts'. You can now fill this form out on your phone at the airfield, so no excuses.

OPS 10 link:
In the case of an accident, asap please phone: 0508 ACCIDENT (0508 222 433)
NOTE: The OPS 10 form has been renamed and amended to include reporting of accidents as well as incidents – previously it was intended for incidents only.
(A CA005 still needs to be sent to CAA for accidents, but the OPS Team doesn’t require a copy of that now.) Consequential changes have been made to the MOAP and AC 2-08.
GNZ Classifieds
This months feature glider.
Standard Cirrus
Great first glider. Half share available if you are Canterbury based or buy the whole thing.
Syndicates are an excellent way to make owning a glider very affordable.
Contact Alex Hewson
Phone: 0273413154

For more gliders and other gliding stuff you can check out the GNZ classifieds at the link below.