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GNZ Newsletter

January 2019

From the president

Welcome to the January GNZ newsletter.

It's 2019 and despite the snowy background to this months cover photo the weather is hot and the soaring is a happening.

Clubs are doing their thing with training, first solos, first cross countries, away camps, adventurous cross country flights and for some, the hosting of competitions.

Now is the time to achieve those gliding goals. You've been stuck at work or school all winter dreaming of this time year. So get out there and just do it.

I'll see you up there.

Steve Wallace

GNZ President


Piako Gliding Club

New C Cat instructor Derek Shipley

Tauranga Gliding Club

Celebrating history with the beautiful restoration of the very first glider they ever owned, a Slingsby T31.

A seat with Sebastian. Sold out within 4 hours!

You can still enter the contest though and learn just by being there.

What makes you a safe pilot?

The Competition Scene

Two comps on this month.

In the South, Omarama is hosting the Multiclass Nationals.

Keep up with all the results and action by clicking on the below link:

In the North, the Auckland Gliding Club is hosting the Auckland Soaring Championships

Again you can keep up with all the action via Soaring Spot

What have those youth been up to now...

Another hugely successful Youth Soaring Development camp

World famous in New Zealand and beyond this annual camp is the pinnacle event for youth in NZ. It is at the forefront of bringing youth back into our amazing sport and thanks go out to all the sponsors, helpers, volunteers and of course the youth themselves who make this event so cool. And what's cooler than a video to show you just what went on...

The Air Training Corps

The ATC also held their annual national gliding camp at Matamata in December, making great use of twins, towplanes and instructors from the local clubs in the region. A 20 strong enthusiastic crop of new solo and near solo glider pilots was the result, many of whom are eager to carry on their training at their local gliding club.

Last month it was land outs. This month it is;

aerotows don't get more scenic than this!

Sky Sight

Summer is here and the best flights result from the best planning. To have the best planning you need Sky Sight.

Developed by World Junior Soaring Champion Matt Scutter and sold in NZ by agent Tim Bromhead.

Have you seen SkySight’s route prediction tools? Brilliant if you’re planning XCountry flights this summer. Specify your route, start and end times, and it will show the expected thermal heights on-route, expected speeds, and help you figure out the best time to start. Pretty clever stuff!

Use the coupon code ‘ONEMONTHFREE’ when you sign up to a seven day free trial, and your annual plan will have a 1 month discount!

Thanks for reading

All contributions, pics, videos and opinions welcome

EMAIL: [email protected]