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GNZ Newsletter

July 2020

From the president

Welcome to the July GNZ newsletter.

Good news, we have passed the shortest day.

So, with the days getting longer, if not hotter, it's time to start getting serious about making plans for the new season ahead.

This does not mean that there isn't some excellent flying, training, achievements and social events to be had over winter because clearly there is!

So whatever you are doing or planning, make the most of it and don't forget to be grateful for just how privileged we are to be able to take part in this amazing sport of ours.

Steve Wallace

GNZ President



First flight in a single Astir


Also for a first flight in a single Astir.


For figuring out how to stay warm on winter wave training flights from Tauranga

New Faces on the GNZ Exec

The GNZ AGM was held on schedule on Saturday 13th June via a Zoom meeting.

I'm pleased to advise the following new faces will be joining your executive committee.

Vivienne Bryner

Vivienne is a member of the Masterton Soaring Club and joins the committee in the role of Vice President. Vivienne holds the FAI Gold Badge (#309), has flown the Morning Glory in Australia and an amazing 3 x 1,000km flights, 3 days in a row from Pokweni in Namibia.

Jenny Wilkinson

Jenny is a member of the Canterbury Gliding Club and joins as a committee member. Jenny holds the FAI 3 Diamonds badge (#95), FAI 1,000km distance badge (#33) and a womens world speed record over a 300km triangle in a 15m glider at 162km/hr.

James Mitchell

James is a member of the Wellington Gliding Club and joins the exec committee as the appointed Youth Glide NZ representative. James is a competition pilot and holder of an FAI Silver Badge (#1191).

GNZ Glider Flight Training Programme goes online!

Welcome to the future

After 4 years of development and review, on the 3rd June 2020, GNZ received a formal letter of acceptance from the CAA with respect to the 'Moodle' based online training programme.

What does this mean for you? Got some questions?

I suggest you start with the below FAQ link.


The list of FAQ's will be added to as more common questions pop up.

GNZ's Exposition, MOAP and AC's have all been updated to reflect the new system.

The training programme is now a controlled document. This means any suggestions for improvement (and I'm sure there will be plenty as this is a new programme) must be made via the process outlined in AC 2-01 (4a. and b.)

I wish to thank all those that have contributed to this modernisation of the way we train our pilots. In particular GNZ'S National Operations Officer, Martyn Cook who has been the main driving force behind getting things done in this massive undertaking.

What happens next?

This is a common question that many clubs are asking as they start to get into looking at this new training system.

To help roll out this system in your club, answer the many questions that both instructors and students no doubt have and to understand how this fits with the 'great day at the gliding club' work that Brian Sharpe and his team from the Membership Development Committee have been doing 'Roll Out' presentations are available for all clubs.

The first of these is being held in Wellington on 12 July.

A bit of coordination is needed (the team can't be everywhere at once) but if you would like to book one of these presentations please contact Brian Sharpe via email.

Soaring NZ Blog

Soaring NZ

The printed mag may be no more but there is now a place on GNZ's website for longer form articles. You can check out what is new here:

Gerard Robertson has kindly volunteered to curate this site so if you have a story that just must be told, please send it to Gerard:

South Island Regionals

14th - 21st November 2020

A message from the Omarama Gliding Club

Given the current circumstances, we need to determine whether the SI regionals in Omarama will generate the entries to justify running a full competition.

We would appreciate you providing an intention of entering the competition so we can push ahead, or not. This is not a commitment, just a likelihood that you would enter, and we can then keep you updated about our plans

If we decide not to proceed with the SI Regionals, we will instead run a local competition for the week to get everyone current ahead of the new season.

The NZ Nationals are being run in Omarama commencing on 1st January 2020, we may decide to run the Regionals alongside that competition.

Also, with the demise of Glide Omarama, we are considering a substitute for Jerry’s Course, the Mountain Flying course which normally runs the week before the Regionals. We will be looking at options like running a short course before the competition, morning briefings during the competition and flying the competition in a Duo with an experienced back-seater.

To help us, please click any of the following links which apply to you. They will open the email service on your device, fill in all the details for you, all you have to do is hit send – but feel free to add any comments you want to put to us.

1. I am likely to enter the 2020 SI Regionals

2. I am likely to enter a local competition if the 2020 SI Regionals are not run in November

3. I am likely to enter the NZ Nationals in Omarama in January 2021

4. I am likely to enter the Regionals if run alongside the Nationals

5. I would like more information on the Mountain Flying course and Duo flying in the competition

Winter Flying

Winter, Summer, Spring, Autumn anytime is a good time for coastal flying

Lake Whenuapai during the Auckland drought

Rebekah McMillan enjoys life above the clouds

We need a new ROO

After 5 years of dedicated and professional service as the South Island Regional Operations Officer (ROO) Graham Erikson has decided to retire. This means we need a replacement.

This is a contracted position in which all your travel and associated expenses are paid.

If you like the idea of getting out and about around the South Island clubs and being part of the Operations Team at an exciting time of change or you would like to nominate somebody who you think would make a good southern ROO then please contact Steve by email at

Link to AC 2-01

Competition and Events


For those that want or need to start planning their holidays and year of flying events and competitions the calendar on the GNZ website is out now. Dates for this coming season and next are now confirmed.


A quick shout out to SMEG for helping with sponsorship of some of last years awesome events.

Thanks SMEG!

Follow and like SMEG here.

Attention Youth!

Are you interested in representing Gliding New Zealand & Youth Glide New Zealand at the 2021 JoeyGlide – Australian Junior Nationals to be held on 7th – 16th January 2021 in Leeton, NSW, Australia? We are calling for registrations of interest for any Youth Glide New Zealand members interested in competing.

Please submit your interest by completing the form below before 10/07/2020.

Register Your Interest:

If you have any questions, please email

For more info on JoeyGlide 2021 visit:

Paperwork is important

During an inspection on the club single seat glider a number of duplicate Flight Manuals pages were found in the glider: this is unlawful.

The Flight Manual is an integral part of the Glider Airworthiness Certificate and cannot be altered, added or not available to the pilot for any other than valid reference purposes. In the course of a gliders lifetime, the glider Type Certificate holder (usually the manufacturer) will issue page changes as a result of in service use, the flight manual always has a list of current pages pertaining to the Certificate Of Airworthiness of the glider, its radio licence and fitout, weight and balance among other common tables.

If you have need of your personal notes about a vario or other device, then they must be secure during flight and removed from the glider after your flight.

Thanks for reading

All contributions, pics, videos and opinions welcome