GNZ Newsletter May 2024

From the president

Welcome to the May 2024 GNZ newsletter.
Autumn soaring has actually been really good.
Yes we've had a bit of rain and wind.
But all the gliding fields are still dry and open.
We've had a youth glide camp with lots of solos. Nice.
A trip to Cape Reinga at this time of year!
Club activity still going strong all round the country.
New membership on the up & up.
May this continue.
Steve Wallace
GNZ President
A Cat instructor rating

First winch solo!

First solo. Well done Charlotte!

First solo!

First solo from a winch. Photo is Aidan about to launch.

First Solo. Nice one Colby!

Behind the Soaring Forecast
Article by SimonVan Den Eijkel (Courtsey of Wings & Wheels)

SkySight is an interactive gliding forecasting tool. It combines the latest modeling technologies with an intuitive user interface, to provide highresolution soaring forecasts and powerful flight planning tools. Simon interviews SkySight's founder Matthew Scutter posing 5 questions on recent developments.
1. Are you excited for the next season and what are your plans?
”I’m very excited for the season in the Northern Hemisphere! I’ll be coming to the Netherlands in June for the start of the Euroglide, a biennial gliding race over more than 2500 kilometers through several European countries. Alongside, I'm also eyeing other competitions in Europe but we’ll see how that works out.”
2. Can you highlight some of the recent updates and enhancements made to the SkySight model?
"Absolutely. We have two pieces of big news to share. Firstly, we have invested enormously in a new supercomputer, which reduces the time to compute from 3 hours to 30 minutes. This has also let us triple the number of forecast updates we provide each day while increasing the horizontal resolution to as high as 1.8km and vertical resolution to higher than 70 layers. The second big piece of news, is we are now integrating ECMWF (European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts) input as the starting point for our model, greatly enhancing the quality and depth of our data sources. ECMWF is the world's leading global weather model, more than ten years ahead of the popular GFS model. The enormous volumes of their data and high cost have previously made it inaccessible to the gliding world, and we are proudly the first to use it. This combination of better forecast data, now delivered faster and more often represents the biggest year-on-year forecast improvement we have ever achieved.”
3. You recently updated your soil moisture model. How did that come about and how does it help users?
“That is an interesting story since soil moisture is one of the most important factors for thermals. After extensive research and communication with national weather centres, we found that when they seek to correct biases in their weather models they often use soil moisture as a tuning parameter. This means that they manually adjust soil moisture up or down to ‘correct’ their output for other anomalies in parameters important to them such as surface temperature. This of course has catastrophic consequences on phenomena that are not so interesting to them - like thermals! To solve this we are now discarding this poorly performing data, instead doing the surface initialization with our distinct SkySight Land Surface Model, running in high detail from up to two years of data. This model is updated daily with new data, and periodically recycled as to not drift too far from ECMWF. It allows us to start the model with high-detail information that fully represents the complexity of the topography, which results in a much better-quality soaring forecast. I know this may all sound quite technical, but we think we’re the only soaring forecast with an offline land surface modeling scheme and it is a great improvement for our users.”
4. How can you use SkySight to get the most out of this season?
“There are a few things you can do: I think setting a PFD or Route Alert can be of great help. You can set a task with SkySight and get an email when the forecast is good enough, ensuring you won’t miss a chance to fly! You can also do it the other way around and let SkySight think of a range of possible tasks you can fly on a certain PFD. We see that more and more users are discovering these features and enjoying it. Furthermore, connecting SkySight to your Flight Computer can help you to get more out of the season. Last year, Gordon Boettger has used our in-flight charts to great effect in the furthest flight we’ve seen in gliding ( and we are looking forward to more great flights in the coming season!”
5. What’s coming next?
“We can’t say too much as always - but just quickly; we have a very large increase in satellite picture quality coming, and some third parties are writing great new integrations of our forecasts in their software.”
Glider over Wanaka
GNZ at Warbirds over Wanaka
Write up / social post by Abbey Delore. Display Pilot Doug Hamilton and commentator Abbey Delore in pic below.

Warbirds Over Wanaka showcasing Gliding New Zealand ( NZ ) at the much anticipated Airshow a few weekends ago. What an epic show it was!! After 6 years (thanks covid) Pilot Doug Hamilton did an excellent display amongst a sold out show of 70,000 people, disrupting the roaring programme with silent flight.

The display team including Pilot Doug, Abbey on comms, Holly Tow Pilot, Malcom on ground and Brian on the booth. The 26m wingspan had the crowd in awe watching the high performance sailplane silently soar past at 250kph.The weather was magical! Alongside stand out show stoppers, our friends Fighter Jets NZ wowwweeee incredible display!! Thoroughly enjoyed crewing after the show. Thanks to Pilatus the best hosts! As well as Grant and Sheree with their beautiful Grumman Super Widgeon Seaplane down from Northland. Piccies by Geoff Soper Photography thank you for sharing! Less than 2 years to the next, we cannot wait!! Abbey

Up Coming Events

From Nick Oakley, Chairman of the Sailplane Racing Commmittee to Event Organisers
The calendar for GNZ sanctioned competitions will be set for the next two years at the Pilots Meeting on June 8th in Queenstown. If you are wanting to bid to hold an event for the next two seasons after this coming one, please put in your bids now with the dates and location of the competition so pilots can vote on them.
You can contact Nick: [email protected]
2028 FAI Junior World's
Time to start looking at the Youth in your club who will be under 26 in 2028.
Australia will host the 2028 FAI Junior World Gliding Championships at Lake Keepit.

From around the clubs
Kaikohe sneak in a last trip to Cape Reinga and back before winter.

Two aircraft on ground tow at Aviation Sports - Whenuapai

Auckland enjoying the lovely Autumn thermals. This time last year their airfield was closed!

Piako host a mini Youth Glide camp.
Open plan classroom for Derek's lesson.

Got to keep them youth well feed!

Well done Tauranga for six short term member (3months), first flights in a day.

Taupo GC's airfield gets turned into a carpark for the Super Cars.
I hope they got a slice of the parking fee action!

Not much snow on Mt Taranaki just yet.

Nelson Lakes - Mike Strathern enjoys some nice Autumn weather in the Dart.

John McCaw flying from Springfield watches hikers getting to the top the hard way.

Nice views from the Omarama Gliding Club

Warbirds over Wanaka. Doug Hamilton wows the crowd.

GNZ AGM / Symposium
June 8th & 9th
Last chance to Book Now before the Hotel releases the rooms they have been holding for us.
June 8th & 9th, Heritage Hotel Queenstown
Yes, you read it right! After many years at the James Cook in Wellington, this year we have decided to spice things up a bit and the AGM / Symposium weekend is being held in the Heritage Hotel, Queenstown. Get in early and book your rooms now!
Use this code GNZC24 and the link below:
Heritage Queenstown | Official Reservation Site (
Have you booked but not registered yet?
We need your registration form to sort the catering. Link to the form below.
New Constitution
Like all Incorporated Societies, Gliding NZ and its member clubs all need to reregister under the Incorporated Societies Act 2022. The deadline is April 2026. See
New Constitutions complying with the 2022 Act are needed. Fortunately, Sport New Zealand has provided templates tailored for organisations like ours; one template for national organisations like GNZ, and another template for consituent member clubs, which dovetails nicely with the national one. Clubs are invited to use this club template – although they don’t have to do so.
A new GNZ Constitution has been drafted in accordance with the Sport NZ template, adopting most of the provisions of our existing Rules. This draft has been approved by the Executive for circulation in preparation for voting on it at the upcoming AGM on 8 June 2024.
There will be a formal item of business at the AGM to seek the agreement of member clubs to:
- 1.Proceed with registration under the 2022 Act with effect 1 April 2025.
- 2.Approve the Constitution as drafted.
Clubs committes are therefore urged to read the draft GNZ constitution before voting at the AGM.
Note that a two-thirds majority of the votes of delegates present at the meeting is required.
Membership Display Panel
New (financial) year for GNZ so a new reset for the membership display panel. Last years result goes into the annual history of membership numbers. A great start to this year with April recording a net gain of 11 new members! Please make these new members feel welcome if they are in your club. Hopefully they will have a long and rewarding journey ahead. Remember, once upon a time we were all new members. What was your experience like? What can you do to make that experience for our new members even better!

Official Observers
Following the latest modification to the FAI rules, the “Senior Official Observer” role is not required anymore. We currently have 81 Official Observers in the current membership role. It’s a relatively low number, and at least one club, if not more, has no Official Observers, so expect a recruiting campaign very soon.
You don’t necessarily have to wait for the recruiting campaign though: if you are interested in helping your mates progressing with their achievements in our beautiful sport, please express your interest by sending an informal email to [email protected], and we’ll take it from there.

Bruno Tagliapietra, Awards Officer
Tips from the NAO
Jason Shields
National Airworthiness Officer

Winter Maintenance and Wear and Tear
Now is a great time to attend to those items which probably require attention around our gliders.
It would be worth taking a longer look around our aircraft and pay a bit more attention to those small items that have been getting over looked and may have always "been that way". You know the ones...
- That stick grip that is loose.
- That Tail wheel which has been stiff for a while.
- That Mylar seal which is old and protruding into the airflow rather than providing a seal.
- Those cockpit placards which are so old and unreadable.
- That area of corrosion slowly getting larger.
- That area of cracking Gelcoat.
The list could go on...
The winter months are a great time to pay attention to our aircraft both as owners and as engineers for the aircraft they maintain.
If your a private owner and planning on contacting your engineer to have work carried out, I suggest that contact and bookings are made early rather than leaving your Maintenance requirements until November, your engineer would appreciate it.
And polish your glider, you can never have too much polish!
Jason Shields
National Airworthiness Officer
Safety Tips
Tow Ropes
When was the last time your club checked the length of the tow ropes it is using?
Does your club have a way to measure the length of its current tow ropes?
Tow ropes with re-splicing tend to get shorter over time. The shorter the rope the less time and space a pilot has to react to an emergency situation on tow before things get out of hand!
The recommended minimum length for an aero tow rope is 50m ring to ring.
For more information including care of tow ropes please read GNZ Advisory Circular AC3-02
DI's and Signing the Tech Log
an article by Colin McGrath
After thinking long and hard about how I managed to get myself into the statistics of not signing the DI book, I believe that there is a psychological trap built into the process. In that you finish the inspection and then sign the book. So, if distracted in any way when you have finished the inspection subconsciously in your mind you have finished. And can move onto the next thing. So, we need to put a simple system in place to prevent this happening. A bit like our pre take-off and landing checks. I believe a good one which I plan to use in the future is; I start by checking the blue pages and the major & minor defects before I start the DI, as there is no point in doing a DI if the aircraft is not cleared to fly. But instead of putting the book away which is what I’ve done in the past, I’m going to leave it on the pilot in command seat so it’s obviously in the way until it is signed and returned to its pocket as a very simple and obvious reminder that it has not yet been signed. Talking to others this is a common method used by a lot of pilots but I don’t remember being taught or told about doing this. It’s simple and should be effective.

Incident Reports
A summary of incidents from the Ops Team frm March - April 2024
Reported Incidents
- ground loop on take-off, challenging cross-wind conditions, multiple contributing factors
- downwind landing due to wind gust from behind, ground loop initiated to avoid landed glider
- incorrect weak link used, broke at end of launch, distractions and impatience at launch point
- two-seat glider landed wheel-up with an instructor as pilot-in-command
- wheel-up landing on airfield after selector lever moved to wrong position, no damage
- turbo glider, fuel hose not reconnected after rigging, pilot was distracted during rigging
- near miss, submitter was monitoring first Flarm warning and failed to look for the second target
- undercarriage collapsed on landing roll, possibly not fully engaged or a mechanical fault
- glider forced to abort a contest start due to tow plane towing glider into the active start zone
- tug commenced descent before verifying that glider had released, visual verification needed
You can access all back copies of the Ops Team Talking newsletters.
These have been placed on the Gliding NZ web site under News > Safety Bulletins A link to the GNZ accident & incident reporting form (OPS 10) can be found in the very top menu bar on the GNZ homepage, just to the right of the 'Classified Adverts'. You can now fill this form out on your phone at the airfield, so no excuses.

OPS 10 link:
In the case of an accident, asap please phone: 0508 ACCIDENT (0508 222 433)
NOTE: The OPS 10 form has been renamed and amended to include reporting of accidents as well as incidents – previously it was intended for incidents only.
(A CA005 still needs to be sent to CAA for accidents, but the OPS Team doesn’t require a copy of that now.) Consequential changes have been made to the MOAP and AC 2-08.
GNZ Classifieds
Winter is coming, so here's something you don't see every day in the GNZ classifieds.
Gliding Flight Simulator computer with Condor 2
Gaming processor built by PB Tech, loaded with all drivers and Condor 2 with NZ terrain , Phillips 22' monitor, HP keyboard and mouse, T16000M joystick , Flight rudder pedals and HP VR headset used but in an as new condition