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GNZ Newsletter

November 2019

From the president

Welcome to the November GNZ newsletter.

We're into it!

While there is no official start to the season I like to think of either daylight savings or Labour Weekend as what kicks it off.

So not only are the thermals back but because it is Spring there is also plenty of wind about, which means ridge and wave.

We are so lucky in this country to be so spoiled for choice.

The luckiest people of course are the ones who get out there and get amongst it.

So what are you waiting for?

See you up there.

Steve Wallace

GNZ President


RANGI De ABAFFY - 1st FAI declared 1,000Km flight from Springfield

Congrats to the 9 students, 6 instructors and the team of volunteers who particpated in the YGNZ George Rogers Memorial mini camp at Greytown

Congrats to the students, instructors and helpers for an amazingly successful X-country course held at Matamata over Labour weekend. Achievements include;

Lois Kok (back left) - Land out, 50km flight, 100km flight

Dennis Green (2nd in from back left) - Land out, 50km flight, 100km flight

Rob Meili (back right) - 50km flight, 100km flight

Mathieu Turquier (2nd in front left) - Land out, 50km flight, 100km flight


Member Website Updates

The GNZ IT Team have been hard at work on updating the web tools to try and make life a little more organised for everyone.

Logging in for the First Time.

Logging in for the first time is really simple. Use the same e-mail address that received this message and choose a password. You will get a confirmation email back from the site to check that it really is you. Remember to check your spam-box just in case.

The ‘register’ button can be found top right (only visible if you’re not logged in already).

Entering A Contest

A list of this year’s contests is on the website.

Go to and Click the “Enter” Button

If this is the first time you’ve entered a contest, then “Save Your Profile” before you hit the Enter Contest button. You can then re-use your details for another contest.

If you are running a contest that is not there, contact the GNZ webmaster (Tim Bromhead) and we’ll get you set up in a few minutes.

Updating your Entry

Log in and go to

You can see a list of everyone who has entered a contest this year. You can update your own entry, and if you forgot to save your Contest Profile earlier, then you can do it now.

Waypoints and Airspace

There’s a New National Waypoint Database, where you can download Waypoints and Airspace Files for each club.

To Download this season’s waypoints ->

The database has been tidied to remove duplicates and share the same waypoints between different clubs. Now you can be sure that the “Thames Stopbank” really is the same Stopbank for every club.

You can also download the complete list by going to “All Waypoints” ->

If you would like to add your Gliding Club’s Waypoints to the List, please contact the National Turnpoint Manager –>

Murray Wardell ([email protected])


Did you know there is an achievements page that records all your achievements as 'badges'.

Just click on the trophy symbol over on the right-hand side.

GNZ database records such as QGP and FAI badges are automatically uploaded. You cannot upload these yourself. All other 'badges' such as OLC distance achievements, land outs, first contest, contest wins, dual cross country flights, etc can be added by either yourself or by your coach. Awards yet to be achieved are greyed out.


The new events calendar is now up and running.

Currently any registered club member can add/edit events for their own club. So feel free to try it out.

GNZ is now basically like a ‘club’ so it can have it’s own events, just like any club (e.g. committee meetings or AGM)

There’s now a ’switch club’ link at the bottom of all page so it’s easy to jump between organisations.

Soaring Centres and YouthGlide are also set up and have their own calendars.


Don't forget almost all events cater for first time pilots with novice class tasking and assigned coaches and mentors to help you out.


Woo hoo, what a jam packed calendar we have. Something for everyone. Take your pick from the list below.

Central Plateau @ Taupo

November 2 - November 10

A super friendly competition with stunning scenery, amazing flying and a great place to hang out! Early Bird Price Deadline is 10th Oct

Entry Form Now Available

Jerry’s Course 2019 @ Omarama

November 3 - November 8

New Zealand Club Class Nationals + South Island Gliding Championships @ Omarama

November 9 - November 16

MSC Northern Regionals @ Matamata

November 24 - November 30

A great contests for beginners. Lots of people to help if you’re new to contest flying, great food, give it a go! We’ll have really achievable tasks for newer pilots and challenging tasks for those experienced pro

Entry form now available at

Grand Prix 1st Inaugural! @ Matamata

December 27 - December 30

Only limited availability, register your interest now!

Auckland Soaring Championships Jan 2020

January 4, 2020 - January 11, 2020

Entry form now available! A really fun and popular contest, often with some fantastic convergence flying

National Gliding Championships 2020 @ Taupo

February 2, 2020 - February 15, 2020

Entry form coming soon..

See all events at:

Have a great season everybody!


June 13 - 14, 2020

The AGM is on the move!

Lock these dates into your diary now!

June 13 - 14, 2020

After may years stuck in one location, the AGM is finally on the move! I know it's early but we want as many new and old faces as possible at what will be a fully revamped event. So diary these dates now!

To make the AGM event more accessible to more pilots, the AGM will now cycle locations through the three regions, Northern, Central and Southern. Kicking the move off will be Taupo, with the AGM being held at the stunning 5 star Hilton Hotel. Built in 1889 but with a modern extension and easy access to all the Taupo attractions from hot pools, to eateries and shopping, this will be one gliding event that your partner will be happy to attend. You can book now using the link below.

Booking Link:

Canterbury Task Planning & Badge Flight Preparation Evening

What does your club do?

Love that photo

For those that know it, here is a great shot of the 'swamp' and the firth of Thames

Happy days

Aviation Sports members Ray, Toni, Matt, Simon & Jack

Milan's Photography

Order now in time for Xmas

With peoples thoughts turning to Xmas, now is the time to casually mention to that someone special, "Wouldn't a picture from Milan's Photography make a great Xmas present.."

Incident Reports

From the desk of the NOO (National Operations Officer)

So why is publishing incident reports useful?

Firstly it shows pilots that stuff happens, and may prompt alertness in similar situations, secondly it shows submitters that we do see benefit in doing something other than filing reports away for (later) analysis.  

Incident Reports reveal where we are bumping into the edge of the safe operating envelope.  This can be due to a weakness in the training program, lack of currency, not paying enough attention, inadequate preparation . . . . or just simply drifting away from good practice.

Review of Incident Reports for September - October 2019

  • I cannot release aerotow exercise - bow developed in rope - weak link broke in gusty conditions
  • winch launch - pilot opened canopy to check tail dolly had been removed - after taking up slack with rope still attached

And one suggestion received for the Ops Team to consider

  • suggestion for a post-release check list - with specific reference to retracting the wheel

Don't forget a link to the GNZ incident reporting form (OPS 10) can now be found in the very top menu bar on the GNZ homepage, just to the right of the 'Classified Adverts'. You can now fill this form out on your phone at the airfield so no excuses.

OPS 10 link:

Thanks for reading

All contributions, pics, videos and opinions welcome

EMAIL: [email protected]

image by Milan's Photography