GNZ Newsletter October 2022

From the president

Welcome to the October 2022 GNZ newsletter.
We are well into Spring now.
Daylights savings has kicked in.
The thermals are getting bigger and better.
The ground drier, then wetter, then drier.
And the event calendar kicks off this month with the Greytown / YGNZ Mini Camp, the MSC Cross Country Course and lots of Labour Weekend Club activities planned.
Most clubs have had a great weekend or two of soaring already, which bodes well for summer.
Time to take time to get current.
The soaring season begins.
Are you ready to make the most of it?
Steve Wallace
GNZ President

90 minute soaring flight (actually 2hrs 48min)! What a season Reegan must have lined up ahead.

GNZ's newest member.

At the other end of the scale, Piako's newest life member (right of pic).

After stepping into the role at short notice and doing a superb job, Gerard has formerly been elected as the AGC president.

Look what's coming...
Matamata Youth Soaring Development Camp
Monday 12th December to Friday 16th December
This camp is designed entirely around the students that come! We cater your training personally so that you get the best out of the time you spend here. With our fantastic summer conditions, we are able to offer our students pre-solo training to advanced soaring training. The atmosphere at the camp is an environment where you are able to meet new like-minded glider pilots, and enjoy new friendships, all while doing the best sport in New Zealand!
Who can come?
The camp is open to any member of Youth Glide New Zealand. We have availability for pre-solo through to advanced soaring pilots. Numbers attending are strictly limited to 16 students, so get in quick!
Please note that the completion of this form does not guarantee you a position at the Camp.

OGC Mountain Flying Week
Monday 28th November - Friday 2nd December
Learn – Grow your mountain pilot skills and fly further in the mountains with the Mountain flying week or with the two-seater ‘fly with an experienced pilot’ competition class. The Mountain Flying week is for pilots who have the basic skills of Mountain Flying, and want to improve those skills by listening to experienced pilots lecture on relevant topics, then putting them into practice with a group flying experience.
Experience – Set in the heart of the Southern Alps, Omarama is an immersive mountain flying location with the freedom of flying large areas of uncontrolled airspace in all directions. Timed for great southern soaring weather.
Compete – whether you want to test yourself against the mountains or against some of New Zealand’s best mountain soaring pilots there’s a class for you in the Regional Comp immediately post this course.

South Island Regionals
Saturday 3rd December - Saturday 10th December
Fly the Dream
The Southern Alps, home to the world renowned Omarama Soaring Centre – best known for its remarkable wave flying conditions. Chosen for the World Gliding Championships and the World Grand Prix Final – and home to the South Island Regionals.
South Island regional flying competition

The Great Matamata Soaring Centre Contest
Saturday 5th November - Saturday 12th November
Catered flying fun for all levels of skill. This is the perfect introduction to comp flying for those new to the scene and a great fun season warm up for the old salty sea dogs. You'll love it.

Canterbury Gliding Club 75th Anniversary
To all past and present members and friends of Canterbury Gliding Club
You are warmly invited to a celebration for the clubs 75th Anniversary on Saturday October 8th
Black Tie dinner to be held at the Ilex Centre in the Christchurch Botanic Gardens.
RSVP is essential to this email ([email protected]) by 1st October.

From around the clubs
Up, up and away at Piako

To infinity and beyond (next stop Australia)

VIP flights go first!

Older and wiser advises the young and fearless

Pick a paddock

Start of season lectures

Blast from the past

Omarama Gliding Club Update
Omarama – new season update
We have all had a challenging couple of years. Omarama has been no different, but OGC is pleased to experience a very significant increase in overseas members and pilots planning trips for the new season to fly out of the best mountain flying site in the world!
OGC and the Airfield company have been busy working on making it easier for non-local pilots to fit in when they arrive.
Southern Soaring will provide towing for 7 days a week from 1st October, and OGC will be running the winch as often as possible.
We have agreed on a new SOP for pilots operating out of the airfield. This document is available on the OGC website here. All pilots should read and understand this. It is particularly important to understand how dual (tow and winch) operations are observed.
Between October 1, 2022 and April 30 2023 OGC will be holding, in the terminal, a briefing at 10am. All operators who intend to operate from the field on that day must attend and it is strongly recommended that all pilots intending to fly on that day also attend. The main purpose of the briefing is to agree how operations will take place and in particular how winch and aero tow launching will be co-ordinated on the days when both launch systems are being offered. Weather and other topics of interest will also be covered.
The radio repeater network is undergoing maintenance with the aim of having the network fully operational as soon as practical. The Southern SI webcam section of the AOPANZ web site now has a camera looking south over the airfield.
The airfield company has advised that development of the winch strip will continue over the summer and their maintenance priority for the year is to keep the runway and surrounds fit for purpose.
Since the demise of Glide Omarama, the flight following service they provided has been missed.
OGC has developed an autonomous (i.e., no eyeball viewing a computer screen is required) flight following system which will be trialled shortly. By registering your day’s flying through the Omarama app, in conjunction with the GNZ tracking website your location will be monitored automatically every 5 minutes, and if loss of signal or static positions are observed, texts are then sent to various parties to commence an investigation. Satellite trackers (Spot/InReach etc) are obviously needed for mountain flying, but the system will work with any tracker which appears on the GNZ tracking site.
Proper flight following is a major safety factor for mountain flying, with the new FF system an issue is alerted within 30 to 40 minutes of an event happening. All pilots flying out of Omarama will be heavily encouraged to utilise it.
Full details of how it all works are in the draft manual here.
Brian Savage
Membership Display Panel
The winter drop off in membership has levelled off. Next month will be the annual clear out when it comes to rejoins but after this it is usually all up hill so we're starting from a point of just slightly down. Great to see some clubs already kicking off their membership drives. What is your club doing?
Open day at South Canterbury

Wellington Wairarapa getting themselves seen!

The Membership Vario (left) displays each month whether GNZ is gaining or losing members - The Membership Altimeter (right) displays on a Year to Date basis. Currently it is saying -2 not +98!

Sailplane Racing
Season Info
With the competition soaring season about to get underway it is time to brush up on all the things you need to know around rules, handicaps and scoring formulae.
Coaching Corner
Know your instruments
Knowing your instruments can make for more enjoyable, safer and less stressful flying.
The beginning of Spring is a good time to brush up on ALL aspects of gliding.
The focus here is on glider instruments. How well do you know the instruments in the glider(s) you will likely be flying this upcoming season? If you are flying club gliders then it is likely that you will need to know about different instruments in different gliders. The rear seat of 2 seat gliders can also have different instruments. Learn as much as you can about gliding (including instruments) while you are on the ground, not in the air. There should be an instruction manual for each instrument in a glider. If a glider you are flying doesn’t have a manual then one might be available from the internet. If it’s a club glider then it’s a good idea if the instruction manual is available on your local web site.
Selecting a transmit / receive frequency.
Know the difference between active and standby
Memories. Know how to access them and how to store frequencies in different memories
Dual watch (Listening to a secondary frequency while operating on a primary frequency)
Flight Computer
Cruise / climbing mode: Know which mode the instrument is in and be aware of remote switches that can change this – like a small switch on the control stick. Know how to get back to the home screen. Sometimes turbulence can make you bump the wrong button and take you to a place you don’t want to be.
Multiple needles: (Vario, Averager, Netto, Speed to Fly), know which is which.
Macready settings: (how does changing the Macready setting affect the way the instrument displays).
Profile: Does this instrument support multiple profiles? Which profile are you using?
QNH Setting: Not setting this correctly can give you false information for a final glide.
Polar Curve: Is the right one selected for the glider.
Safety altitude: What is this set at and – how does it affect final glide.
Waypoint database selection: Is the correct waypoint database loaded and selected. Beware of say a club glider that has come back from a competition in another area and still has the remote database loaded.
Firmware updates: When was the last one of these done. They should be done annually to make sure you are running the latest version with any previous bug fixes.
Airspace files: Is the latest airspace file uploaded. Updated airspace files in NZ usually come into effect at the beginning of Nov.
Tasks: Know how to set up racing and assigned area tasks.
Waypoint: Know how your instrument highlights landable waypoints within reach. Know how to select waypoints (especially for outlanding) in the air.
All Instruments
How do your instruments behave if there is a power disconnection and have to say swap batteries? Are all the settings retained, which ones need to be changed? The more you can practice and learn on the ground, the more time you can spend looking out the cockpit for other gliders, enjoying the scenery and having fun.
Murray Wardell
GNZ National Coach
AS 34 Me Review
Need an all-electric high performance self launching glider for Xmas? Well you are in luck because Alexander Schleicher has the glider for you and fresh from test flying this new glider in Germany, Bernard Eckey, the Australasian agent, has all the mouth watering details. You can read all about in the review link below. Link kindly provided with permission of the Gliding Australia Magazine.

Need to know more (like a price?). Contact:
Bernard Eckey
Ph. 08 8449 2871
Mob. 0412 981 204
For Sale
GNZ Classifieds
Summers coming. Need a new glider or some gear. Don't forget to check out the classifieds section of the GNZ website
Incident Reports
From the desk of the NOO (National Operations Officer)
Incident reports for September 2022
- emergency release after PIO on takeoff, landed ahead, first flight on type, first flight with flaps
- launched on solo flight in twin with excessive ballast in tail, previous solo pilot much heavier
You can access all back copies of the Ops Team Talking newsletters.
These have been placed on the Gliding NZ web site under News > Safety Bulletins
Do you need to file an OPS-10 as well as CA005? This question comes up a lot. The CAA must be notified immediately by phone after an "accident", along with the relevant CFI (MOAP Ref page 61 & 62). A Form CA005 Occurrence Report must then be filed with CAA within ten days. The view of Gliding NZ is that every incident or accident is also an opportunity to learn something that could prevent a similar occurrence in the future, and for this reason an OPS-10 report should also be filed with the ROO even though this is not explicitly requested in AC 2-08. A link to the GNZ incident reporting form (OPS 10) can be found in the very top menu bar on the GNZ homepage, just to the right of the 'Classified Adverts'. You can now fill this form out on your phone at the airfield so no excuses.

OPS 10 link:
In the case of an accident, asap please phone: 0508 ACCIDENT (0508 222 433)